Improving population health worldwide

“Bridging the Continuum of Care”

Join the Johns Hopkins ACG System team and meet with hundreds of system users from around the world at the ACG System 2018 International Conference, along the beautiful Riverwalk, in San Antonio, Texas.

During this 3-day training conference, you will learn how health care systems and organizations in North America, Latin America, Europe, and Africa are applying the latest risk adjustment and predictive modeling tools to improve population health.

A highlight of this year’s conference is the presentation of the biennial Starfield Award, recognizing those who best use the ACG System to address multimorbidity, reduce care disparities and improve population health.

Why Attend the Johns Hopkins 2018 ACG System International Conference?

Predictive modeling and risk adjustment are taking center stage as key health reforms are being implemented. The Johns Hopkins ACG System has been impacting population health research and practice for more than 30 years. ACG System users are among the leaders in the application of predictive modeling and risk adjustment within pilot projects and outcomes evaluation. This conference will provide an opportunity for you to be informed of the latest developments in risk adjustment and predictive modeling.

ACG System Users

  • Discover new functionality offered in latest and upcoming versions that might integrate and improve your existing uses of the ACG System
  • Share experiences with other users innovating applications of the ACG System
  • Interact with your account representative and other ACG System leadership interested in your unique experiences and challenges

General Attendees

  • Learn how to apply predictive modeling to stratify your population and identify the best candidates for your intervention programs
  • See how the rest of the world is dealing with challenges
  • Network with population health experts and industry leaders in the areas of predictive modeling and risk adjustment
  • Meet and interact with various Johns Hopkins faculty and staff including the ACGSystem team, faculty from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, and researchers from The Johns Hopkins Center for Population Health IT (CPHIT)
Balance is a therapist-supported, digital behavioral health program that makes mental health care easier and more accessible.
The ACG System helps you combine a population-level perspective with patient-level behaviors and conditions, allowing you to be proactive rather than reactive when it comes to your population’s unique health care needs.
Blossom is an interactive guide that combines biometric tech, expert advice and support from loved ones to help you assess, understand and optimize your fight against diabetes.
Work Stride offers cancer prevention and education, as well as personalized nurse navigation at each stage of the cancer journey. Designed for employees, dependents, caregivers and managers.